Dauntless: Paul Hilliard in WWII and a Transformed America
by Rob Citino with Ken Stickney and Lori Oshsner
200 Pages
December 2023
Dauntless is the story of Clayton Paul Hilliard, a poor farm boy from Wisconsin who enlisted in the US Marine Corps as a teenager, served in the Pacific theater as an aviator, and returned to attend university on the GI Bill. His education was a springboard into a very successful career as an entrepreneur, independent oil man, and industry leader. Always looking for ways to give back, he also became a philanthropist and generous donor to educational and cultural institutions in the city of Lafayette and throughout southern Louisiana.
Paul’s story highlights some of the most fascinating decades in American history: the impact of World War II, the importance of post-war social and economic changes, and the development of the oil industry from the 1950s to today. In short, Dauntless is as much a history of the United States in the twentieth century as it is a personal biography of an influential leader in Louisiana and beyond.
About the Author
Robert M. Citino is the Samuel Zemurray Stone Senior Historian at the National World War II Museum and one of America's most distinguished military historians. His award-winning books include Blitzkrieg to Desert Storm, The German Way of War, and a trilogy on the German army in World War II. He holds the Samuel Eliot Morison Prize from the Society for Military History, a lifetime achievement award and the highest recognition bestowed by the society.
2 Reviews
Very informative and reminds me how the United States used to be.
Dauntless by Paul Hilliard
Great read, a must for WWII reads.