
New Orleans And The World HB

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New Orleans & The World: 1718-2018 Tricentennial Anthology

Louisiana Endowment for the Humanities, Richard Campanella, Walter Isaacson, Lawrence Powell, Sally Reeves, Nancy Dixon

New Orleans celebrates the 300th anniversary of its founding in 2018. The Louisiana Endowment for the Humanities is proud to announce the New Orleans & The World: 1718-2018 Anthology, a collection of essays by leading scholars illuminating the role of the city in major events in U.S. and world history, the economic innovations and cultural expressions birthed in the city that impacted people around the globe, and the succeeding waves of new populations who redefined the city's shape and society. The National WWII Museum and Jerry Stahan are highlighted in one chapter that focuses on the Higgins boat and the impact it had on WWII.

Published by the LEH in partnership the New Orleans Convention and Visitors Bureau, the New Orleans Tourism Marketing Corporation, and the 2018 NOLA Foundation, New Orleans and the World explores the city's first three centuries through the eyes of its finest historians. Contributors include Emily Clark, Erin Greenwald, Keith Weldon Medley, Maurice Carlos Ruffin, John Shelton Reed, Sally Reeves, Daniel Usner, and Dr. Michael White, with forewords from Leah Chase and Walter Isaacson. Richard Campanella, Robert L. Dupont, Freddi Williams Evans, Alecia P. Long, Kara Tucina Olidge, and Lawrence N. Powell served as the editorial board for the book, which was edited by Nancy Dixon and Brian Boyles.