
D-Day Deception PB

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D-Day Deception
Stackpole Military History Series
By: Mary Kathryn Barbier
288 Pages

Before landing in France on D-Day, June 6, 1944, the Allies executed an elaborate deception plan designed to prevent the Germans from concentrating forces in Normandy.

This deception plan came in two parts: Fortitude North, which suggested a threat to Norway, and Fortitude South, which suggested a threat at Calais. Fortitude South encompassed a plan that sought to distract German forces from Normandy by placing a fictitious army group under Gen. George S. Patton at Pas de Calais.

In her definitive account of the deception behind the Normandy invasion, Mary Barbier sheds new light on the story of double agents, phantom units, and the importance of Operation Fortitude to the allied invasion.